There' something very exciting about ordering on line, as opposed to a stand alone shop. You see something you like on your computer, research some other shops for prices, check your PayPal account and click, click, click you're done!
Then you anxiously await the mailman! Well, my mailman delivered this "gift to self" yesterday and I must say, I was VERY excited to open it!
Now, if you've seen blocking wires for sale in your local yarn shop, you know that a FEW wires cost about $30. I found this set at
The Knitting Warehouse.
You get:
24 36" stainless wires
4 24" stainless flexible wires
one yardstick
40 rust proof t-pins
complete blocking instructions
storage tube
All on sale for $29.99. I must say I think is a GREAT deal. I have also purchased yarn from this site and was very pleased indeed.
For you newbies out there, the purpose of blocking your knitted piece is to uncurl and form your work the enhance the beauty and block it to the correct size.